MASO Ghana MASO is a five year programme, focused on creating employment opportunities for the youth (aged 18-25) in Ghana’s cocoa communities.



International Youth Day 2018 - MASO Youth Voices

Georgina Amoateng of Gold Coast Camp shares her MASO Business Story

Creating youth employment in cocoa producing communities - the MASO Story


MASO - Training young cocoa entrepreneurs 1


MASO - Training young cocoa entrepreneurs 2


The MASO programme has taught me alot about cocoa - Justice


Joshua Agbezuhlor, speaks about the impact of MASO on his community


I can now call myself a proud two-acre Cocoa Farmer - Richard Tchall


Angela Anku, now owns one acre of cocoa farm through the MASO programme.


Stonebwoy & Maso Ghana Team tour Volta cocoa growing communities


MASO Brand Ambassador Stonebwoy visits the Volta Region